How do you change your filed tax return?


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Whether it’s because your received a tax slip too late or hungoverly forgot to submit the documentation, here’s how you can make changes to an individual income tax return:

  1. Do NOT file another return for that year
  2. Wait for your notice of assessment before asking for changes to your return
  3. Go online (recommended, as it’s the speediest option!)
    • Log in to My Account
    • Click Change my return. You cannot use Change my return to change the following, according to the CRA:
      • a tax return that has not been assessed (see #2  above)
      • a tax return where nine reassessments exist for a particular tax year
      • a bankruptcy return
      • a return prior to the year of bankruptcy
      • carryback amounts such as capital or non-capital losses
      • a return of an international or non-resident client (including deemed residents of Canada, newcomers to Canada, and individuals who left Canada during the year)
      • the elected split-pension amount
      • a return where you have income from a business with a permanent establishment outside your province or territory of residence (you have to complete Form T2203, Provincial and Territorial Taxes – Multiple Jurisdictions)
      • If any of the above apply to you, see “Mail it”option (#5) below
    • Sign up for online mail to get instant access to your CRA records
  4. Contact your tax preparer (Homeroom loves to save the day!)
  5. Mail it: Send a signed letter to your tax centre asking for an adjustment to your return
    • By Mail: If you send a letter, make sure to give your name, address, and social insurance number and which tax year you want to adjust.
    • Send the following to your tax centre:
      • A completed Form T1-ADJ, T1 Adjustment Request, or a signed letter giving details of your request (including the years of the returns to be changed), your social insurance number, your address, and a telephone number where we can call you during the day
      • ALL supporting documents, including those for the original assessment, for your change

IMPORTANT: Send your current year return separately from any request to change a return for another year.

The Wait Game

  • Online: 2 weeks
  • Mail: 8 weeks

It may take longer if CRA is requesting more information or your request is sent in spring or summer.

When CRA review is done, you will receive:

  • a notice of reassessment showing any changes to your return and
  • a letter explaining why we did not make the changes you asked for or if no changes were needed

Want to receive a tax reminder?

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