Feel the burn? Power through tax season like a champ with these sassy moves. Stretch your tax worries away. By Anja Konjicanin
At the Homeroom office, we have set ourselves the challenge to stretch every day.
So we get up every two hours for a break from the chair.
Great warm-up for tax season, right?!
These movements may not be much but the consistency with which they are repeated makes all the difference toward a long healthy life. Because a little bit goes a long way with these office-friendly stretches that keep on giving!
We are doing it for the forever healthy, happy, energetic body. What’s your WHY?
Sit Less, move more, do more, feel great:
1. Neck mobilization (6-8 reps): Keeping your chin up turn your neck side to side with a pause and hold on each side. With your chin pointed down toward your chest roll your chin from shoulder to shoulder in gentle half-circle.
2. Shoulder and upper back openers (6-8 reps): Arms are in front of your with forearms and palms together. Separate your arms keeping them at a 90 degree angle push back until you feel your upper back squeeze together. Keep your back squeezed raise your arms over your head. Return to the first position and repeat.
3. Wrist and hand stretch and mobility (6-8 reps): Arms are extended straight in front of your body. Flex or roll wrists and hands.
4. Good morning twists (6-8 reps): Arms are crossed against your chest. Keeping your head up and back straight hinge at the hips moving your chest toward the ground until you feel a stretch up the back of your leg (hamstrings). Hinge up to standing erect pressing your hips forward until you feel your bottom (glutes) flex tight. Then standing straight and tall twist to the right, return to the middle and twist left. Start at the first position and repeat as directed.
5. YTUW Back, Glutes, and Hamstrings Hinge (3 reps): Standing straight and tall push your glutes out (stick your bottom out). Raise your hands above head then move your arms down into a “Y” position, then “T”, “U”, “W”. Return to hands above head. Hinge forward keeping your head up and back straight until your hands come to rest on your desk or other flat surfaces. Slide your fingers forward on your desk feeling a stretch down the back of your body. Return to standing and repeat as directed.
6. Split Stance Tilt for calves and hip flexors (2 reps pers leg): Part 1 – Standing tall with feet shoulder width apart. Step forward into what would be a natural stride keeping your back heel pushed down to the ground. Push your hips forward toward the front foot keeping your chest high and your head up. Part 2 – In the same stance look up and fully arch your back and tilt your hips up and away from your back leg. Return to standing shoulder width and repeat with the other leg.
7. Ankle circles (2 reps per side): With your toe pressed into the ground make small circles rolling your ankle in one direction and then the other.
Small daily actions go a long way. They can keep you healthy, stress-free, and organized.