
Spotlight on Haigan Day- Homeroom’s New Girl

We have recruited a new member to our Homeroom Team and we are really excited to introduce her to you.

Haigan Day joined Homeroom at the beginning of March 2014. She enjoys putting her quick fingers and detective skills to work, entering data and helping with many different companies.
When she’s not at Homeroom, Haigan can be found pursuing her other career as an actor, with work as a cellist and singer coming in a distant third. She also bakes gourmet cakes for no particular reason, travels when possible, and often cuddles up with a good book or a movie.

How would you describe yourself?

I’m a little shy, very curious, possibly from a different century… 
I’m very nerdy in an acting and classical music and sword fighting sort of way, but am being introduced to other kinds of nerdy and I LOVE that there are so many different things to be nerdy about! 
I also get a little over-enthusiastic when I’m excited.

What is your favorite thing about working at Homeroom?

The wonderful ladies I work with. I had never thought an office could be this fun! 

What are your ultimate personal goals?

Be one of the main characters in a movie of a Jane Austen or Oscar Wilde work… Or in Lord of the Rings, but I think I’m too late. 
And be in a musical (either stage or screen). And every Shakespeare play. And… etc.
Mostly I want to learn as much as I can in life and be happy!

Why do you love bookkeeping so much?

I love being able to do something useful, especially something that helps people be able to do what they love and are passionate about! I also really enjoy when the date on a receipt is something like 11-12-13.

What is the funniest item you have had a client attempt to write off?

Nothing too crazy yet, but the funniest was a pedicure

Describe your ultimate bookkeeping client?

Someone who is organized and who doesn’t crumple their receipts! 


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