Homeroom Client of the Month: Bird on a Wire Creations

This months Homeroom client of the month is Kate Nagel owner of Bird on a Wire Creations.

Bird on a Wire Creations is a store and a community of people who support artists, artisans, and the buy local movement. Located at 2535 Main Street, Vancouver, Bird on a Wire Creations provides shoppers with the ability to purchase one of a kind creations for themselves or as gifts. 


How many years have you been in business?

Bird on a Wire Creations has been in business since 2010 and we can hardly believe how fast the time has gone by. Everyday we marvel at all of the pieces the wonderful artists we support have created in that short period of time.


What do you enjoy the most about being a business owner?

The thing I enjoy most about being the owner of Bird on a Wire Creations is the satisfaction I have knowing that I am supporting our artists/crafters in the best way I know how. I love what I do and am inspired by all of the amazing artists/crafters I am able to meet on a daily basis.

I also really enjoy connecting people who are looking for extraordinary, one-of-a-kind gifts for someone special, with the perfect gift. That is so much fun!


What motivated you to start your own business?

I was motivated by the financial changes and cutbacks in grants to festivals and artist run not-for-profits that occurred around the end of 2009.

I was listening to the radio and found that I was experiencing frustration by what I was hearing, and I thought I need to use this angry energy and create something good. A short while later I came across a magazine called Where Women Create and the moment I opened the magazine I knew that I wanted to work in the arts, with artists, and create a space for them to sell their work all year long.

I knew then that I wanted to change the paradigm of ‘starving artist’ to ‘thriving artist’ – for all artists, so that they were no longer dependent on grants and/or handouts. I knew that if I was able to change the perception of artists, even if it was just by asking a question to start a dialogue around how we view artists in general, then I was honoring what I feel I was called to do.


What advice do you have for other people who would like to start their own business?

First and foremost, listen to your passion and discover what is calling you to create. Once you have that figured out the next step is to make sure that you are in the right place to start a business. All career choices are important, valid and significant.

Secondly, make sure you know all aspects of your business. You do not need to be an expert at everything, but it is really important to know the business side of your career choice to ensure your success.

For example, if your strength is in  the creative side of your business, you need to make sure you learn about how your finances work. It is the single most important aspect of your success. Now, I am not saying that you will not be successful without it, I am simply saying that by having that knowledge you will be better equipped to hire a bookkeeper, social media expert, branding consultant, coach, or lawyer.

The more aware you are of the whole picture,  the better equipped you will be to make conscious decisions that will help you become successful.

How do you achieve a work life balance?

I recently heard (and then read) that the work/life balance is a myth, and then I thought about it. I think we set ourselves up for failure when we set unrealistic goals or perfection. My ‘to do’ list is never ending, but instead of feeling like a hamster in its wheel I have found these few things have helped.

  1. I acknowledged the fact I cannot do everything, and so I have an awesome team to work with and we achieve the store’s goals together.
  2. It is very important to create:
    1. A daily schedule based on when I am not effective which includes thinking time (e.g. answering emails in the afternoon when I am not as fresh)
    2. Make choices ahead of time
    3. Have clear boundaries
    4. Build in one week down time every quarter (you will still find me doing work during this week though)
  3. Communicate boundaries and be willing to say “no” to a request if it doesn’t align to your vision and goals.


And finally who could benefit from your services?

Good question. First, the Artists can benefit because we are here to bring as much awareness as we can to the artists we represent in the store, whether it is in our store, on Social Media, or on our website (www.birdonawirecreations.com). We also participate in Private Views where we Spotlight 3 artists for 2 months and open the event with a party, First Thursday Vancouver which is a self-guided art walk taking place on the first Thursday of each month, Rove which is also a self-guided art walk), Car Free Day on Main Street, Autumn Shift on Main Street, as well as partake in the craft/gift show hosted by Make It at the PNE.

Secondly, the customer will benefit because we carry one of a kind, handmade and locally made gifts for that one of a kind person.

Finally, the Executive can benefit because we also carry unique fine art items that are a perfect solution and change from the usual corporate gift ideas.


Connect with Bird on a Wire Creations via Facebook and Twitter 


If you would like to be featured as our client of the month please let us know by contacting us.



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