Teya Mali is the owner of Homeroom Small Business Solutions a company that she has grown from a freelance operation to a successful small business over the past four years.
As one of Teya’s staff I was curious to find out more about her vision for Homeroom and what makes her tick.
What do you hope the future will hold for Homeroom?
Teya: I want to build a successful company that is recognized as a top employer in BC by providing a positive/supportive work environment for my staff (and myself!).
I also want to ensure that our clients are happy and that we remain focused on finding solutions to their needs as well as going above and beyond to provide them with exceptional customer service.
How do you plan to achieve this goal?
Ultimately I believe that Happy Homeroom girls = happy customers so I will continue to work hard to develop a great company culture.
What are you most proud of?
I am proud of my staff who have helped me grow from a one woman operation to a successful small business. It gives me great joy to be investing my time and effort in building our company culture, vision and developing my staff.
Mostly because it is my staff that motivate me to get up at 5:45am Mon-Thursday.
How would your describe yourself?
Motivated entrepreneur/business owner and mom to a super energetic, healthy 2 year old (who i have already toilet trained. Super proud of that one.)
Ultimate problem solver. Very solutions oriented. Very good at time management and slowly getting better at delegating.
What are you ultimate personal goals?
I am trying to find that delicate work-life balance which will allow me to find time to grow my business, spend time with my family and just breathe.
To find out more about Teya check out her LinkedIn Profile and her Homeroom Bio