This month we thought it would be fun to talk about the trials and tribulations of being a business owner. Here is a day in the life of Teya.
5.30 am – My alarm wakes me abruptly. Shocked, I look around my room wondering where the beautiful beach I was just laying on has gone.
5:31 am – Reality sets in and my inner dialogue begins “successful people don’t hit snooze, you want to be successful don’t you?” “get out of bed, it’s time to face another day.”
5:40 am – My back up alarm sounds “BEEP BEEP BEEP”
I fantasize about smashing it with a hammer, as I rub the sleep out of my eyes.
5.45 am – I come to terms with being awake and begin my morning ritual of motivational reading.
As I delve into the pages of powerful words,written for entrepreneurs by entrepreneurs, I begin to feel ambitious, empowered, MOTIVATED and ready to face the day.
6.30 am – My new found vitality is flattened by over abundance of emails.
6.45 am– I begin to get into a serious email groove. Self-high-fives are being given every two minutes. The sun begins to shine I can feel this is going to be a very productive day.
7:00 am– My son wakes up and yells for me. I try to pretend I can’t hear him so I can squeeze in a few more email responses.
7.05 am– This kid is relentless. Once he gets sick of yelling “MOM” on repeat he begins requesting breakfast burritos.
I go into his room and pretend that I am surprised that he is awake.
His smile melts my heart.
7:15 am – I finish making him breakfast and he tells me he wants cuddles.
Cuddles with a tiny human are the best so I eagerly accept.
7:16 am– I barely sit myself down on the couch and cuddle time is over.
Now he is showing me planes, trains and wanting his favorite music played.
7:30 am– I begin to have serious regrets about introducing my son to Sharon, Lois and Bram. I start to reminisce about the good old days when I was child free and could listen to adult music in the morning.
9:30 am– I finally arrive at the office after completing what has already felt like an 8 hour day.
Now the real fun begins.